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Addy visits Corpus Christi Texas

At the time I started this post It was summer and weather was perfect. Since then I have been very busy but, wanted to share and document Addy's visit.

  Nothing is more relaxing than finding a space that you enjoy and taking time to just relax. For me being around water does just that. I also enjoy photographing my dolls. Addy is a perfect model and the photos always seem to be effortless. Here she is at her first summer photo shoot at  Emerald Beach. For exclusive pictures of her photoshoot click here. Emerald Beach is located in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is modeling Julies swimsuit in a bright yellow. You can tell Addy really had a great time reflecting and relaxing. Do you have a special place or hobby that helps you relax? A short weekend trip can do wonders.
During our short weekend trip to Corpus we  enjoyed the peacefulness of the beach, and the people of Corpus. In the past two weeks Corpus Christi was hit very hard by Hurricane Harvey. There are large clean up efforts in the coastal area going on currently. We are hoping that the area can recover and people can start enjoying the beaches in the areas again soon. Check out this local project that helps keep the beaches clean.
Help Volunteer to Clean Up Corpus Christi


  1. I remember Addy's beach visit. Her pictures look so calming.

    I hope the area and all others affected by hurricane Harvey are restored soon.


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