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Showing posts from April, 2014

Its Spring Again!

    I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. For many years Easter was a sad time for myself, because it often stirs memories of my mother. It was always tradition that we of course, attend church and recite our Easter speeches. The last Easter with my mom, I was fortunate enough to direct our churche's Easter program at the tender age of 13. It was my hope that my mother would be able to come out and see what I had put together! I remember asking her would she be coming, and she said... No.. she wasn't feeling so well. Although sad, I knew that mom must have been very sick. Unfortunately for my mom, it was her last Easter with us, she died at the the end of April 1990. That unfortunately is my most vivid memory of Easter untill this past weekend. This past weekend, unexpectedly, I was able to go to Houston and meet Stacey Mcbride-Irby of the One World Doll Project ! I was also fortunate enough to be accompanied by my little niece, who loves ...